Open the invite link and log in to discord

Use the invite link to join the D/ARC community. You will be prompted to log in to Discord. If you have not made a Discord account before, your account must be at least 5 minutes old before you can join. This is to prevent bot-spam! 

Read through our community guidelines

Check out #community-guidelines to get familiar with our community rules. In particular, note our Big Rule: Treat Everyone Like a Respected Colleague.

Screenshot showing the community guidelines.

Set your pronouns, roles, and notifications! 

Use the #select-pronouns and #get-roles channels to set your notifications and edit your community profile. In #get-roles you will find instructions on how to customize the following: 1) name color 2) academic title 3) notification roles (these will make sure you get notifications when there’s a relevant development) 4) research interests.

Screenshot showing the pronoun selection menu.

Get Verified

Before you can participate in discussion channels (both voice/video and text) you will need to verify yourself using a brief captcha so that we know you’re not a bot!

Use Once you’re happy with your community profile, and you’ve had a chance to view our guidelines, head over to  #start-here and scroll to the bottom of the channel and click the verify  button. This should open the prompt to verify your account. You will only need to do this once, and you will then be given the @Verified role and be able to view and participate in all server channels. If for any reason, you cannot complete the captcha, or require additional help, do not hesitate to message a  @Moderator, who can verify you manually.

Screenshot showing the captcha verification widget.

🎉 You’re all set! ðŸŽ‰

That’s all there is to it! You can now participate in the discussion channels, and will be notified of new events and happenings. If you have any questions, remember that you can message any of the @Moderators, message us on Twitter @darc_mode, or reach us at darc.mods@gmail.com.